Do you want to control your future or do you want your future to control you. Your life is your choices combined. Choose well, because you are the one who has to live with the results of your choices.
Choose to take control of your life or your life will take control of you. The choices you make every day determine where you will be, what you will be doing and how happy you are tomorrow. We cannot help you with a lot of your choices, but we can laser point you in the direction of a healthier future by following keto lifestyle and taking control of your health.
This website is designed to give you better choices designed to create a better you. Many of these choices are lessons we learned in the process of going keto and doing the research to get the weight down. Others will be research we have gleaned from other sources, both in the world of nutrition and health industry, as well as from studies showing the end results for long term lifetime changes.
We want you to have every advantage to get started today and live a longer, happier and much healthier life. We want you to not only find ways to lose weight, but to live life as free from pain and aging as possible. To this end we will be posting many lifestyle changes designed to not only help you lose weight and then maintain that weight loss, but to live a life that is as healthy and pain free as possible, by eliminating foods that trigger problems for your body and mind.
Choose you! Choose a body and mind for a better life! Choose living the now while looking forward to the future, not dreading every day because of the pain of both living a life not quite what you want. Do not live with the health problems that come with a standard American diet of high carbs, high drugs from Big Pharma, having to cope with all the aches and pains and the never ending cycle of wanting to weigh less and be healthier, but not quite being able to get a grip on which direction to take.
We are here to give you a direction, to help you create a map to the future you want. We have been there and seen what a high carb low fat diet does to destroy your life. The struggle to eat what you think is good for you, only to find that what you have been told is all wrong. Being ion pain as the high carbs and sugar they create make you r joints stiff and painful as your arthritis flares up. Taking pills to numb the pain, but then having to take more because of the never ending cycle of relief, followed by more and worse pain.
Lose weight, relieve the pressure on your joints, end the cycle of pain and taking pain pills for temporary relief. I did not realize how much pain my diet was creating until I went keto. When I had lost all the weight I wanted I celebrated a friends 90th birthday party. I spent the night at her daughter’;s house. We had carbs all day, from breakfast through dinner and then cake, ice cream and pie. The next morning my hand, which without me noticing had been pain free for months, heart so much I could not move my independent finger, my hips and knees were both in pain.
This was the first time I made a direct connection with sugar and the pain of inflammation. I went back to keto for the rest of the week and the pain went away, again. I then ate chocolate chip cookies, as an experiment, and the pain flared up again. That was the first time I made a direct connection with eating keto and being pain free.